The Best Years In The Spring

Hey Siri, play London in the Spring by Passenger.

Guys, this warmer weather is single handedly curing my seasonal depression and making me want to live life again…. not to be dramatic or anything.

This winter was a brutal one in Nashville. It was cold and rainy a majority of the time (did I move to Seattle?!) and I spent a good bit of it on and off sick. On top of that an invitation to go out at 6pm when it’s pitch black outside and below freezing is an immediate no from me. But alas, the sun is out, the days are getting longer, and we’re sitting at a wonderful 60-70 degrees again. Praise Jesus!

The last few months I released my single “Never Drank A Beer” and I’ve been gearing up to release another one, the title track to my new EP - “Best Years” that finally came out April 5th! I’m so excited to share the rest of the songs on the EP and if you’d like to hear them before everyone else I have physical copies I’m selling at my shows between now and the EP release sometime late this summer. For now, I JUST RELEASED MY NEW SONG “Best Years”!!! It’s been out in the world for a week so please share it with your friends!

I’ve got so many irons in the fire and so much to look forward to this summer that I feel a little overwhelmed. Currently, I just directed/released the Best Years Official Music Video, I’m possibly going back into the studio to work on more music, playing shows, and I bought my tickets to Pilgrimage because the line up was literally a dream come true.

It’s weird to go from life feeling boring and mundane to all of the sudden having a full schedule and things on the horizon. Part of what I love about my song “Best Years” is that it talks about how hard it is when life feels boring. Everyone tells me to enjoy these years because they’re going to be some of the best of my life, but sometimes it really doesn’t feel like it. Instead of thriving I feel like I’m just trying to survive. At some point this winter I’d get asked the dreaded question, “How are you?” or “What’s new in your life?” and I was left feeling depressed because I didn’t have anything big to share. There wasn’t much on my horizon. I wasn’t going out after work. I was going home and then to bed early just to repeat the same thing over again. How is that exciting? People love to make it sound like your 20’s are full of fun things and when they’re not it’s disappointing. I had a lot of friends travel to different countries or get married this past year and I was in Nashville pouring every penny into these songs and promotion for them. It’s hard when you feel like you’re making sacrifices for something, but not seeing the fruit of your labor while watching everyone else pass you by.

The amazing thing I love about spring is when things feel cold, dark, and like nothing is ever going to change, the sun comes out and the flowers start blooming reminding me that no season lasts forever. Good or bad.

I hope you guys enjoy “Best Years” because it captures that very feeling to a T. I’ve been clinging to that unrelenting hope the best truly is yet to come, I just have to weather the season I’m in. This song is an anthem my heart needed and I hope someone else can make it their own anthem too.

Things truly can only go up from hear. Happy spring friends!

Check out the latest attention “Best Years” has been getting!

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xx Carson


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